Walk & Roll at the Solano Stroll

Bill Wood and Carrie Schulman staffed the booth in the afternoon. 

September 8 was the Solano Stroll. El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll had a booth, where we invited passersby to spin a wheel to choose a destination and answer the question, “How would you get there from our area if you didn’t own a car?” We were surprised at how popular this was with adults and children lining up to take the challenge. We had a ready and fun solution for every destination, which surprised many people. Each child who spun a wheel got a bike sticker and we gave away 250 before we ran out. Our booth was one of the busiest nonfood booths at the Stroll!

Left to right, Janet Byron, Rebecca Milliken and Stuart Sonatina were at our booth in the morning; Not shown, Gaia Sonatina and their kids Lani and Zyl also helped out.

Both adults and children formed a line waiting to spin our wheel. 


Out and about without your own car: The North Coast


Celebrate Transit Month by riding AC Transit 72 buses