Sign petition for safer streets in central El Cerrito

Residents are requesting that 2-way-stop intersections like this one at Gladys and Elm be converted to 4-way-stop intersections.

Following a recent crash involving a 7-year-old cyclist and a car, El Cerrito residents are calling on the El Cerrito City Council to implement measures to improve traffic safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and children in the areas between San Pablo Ave., Potrero Ave., Moeser Ave., and Navellier St.

“This area has far too many intersections with two-way stop signs (specifically along Gladys St., Donal Ave., and Manila Ave.) where there should be four-way stop signs,” the petitioners write. “We request traffic calming measures such as additional stop signs and speed bumps. Please prioritize our children's safety over the flow of traffic.”

Advocates for traffic calming in central El Cerrito will be attending the city council meeting on June 18 to advocate for safer streets. Please sign the petition ASAP and join us at the meeting!



By America's standards, potential access by bike is great around here


Remembering Bill Pinkham, a great friend to cyclists