Support safer, more joyful, and inclusive streets for all!

Our community outreach for safer streets includes the Solano Stroll (above), Bike to Wherever Day, and World One/July 4 festival.

Dear El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk-ers & Roll-ers:

Over the past year, El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll has transformed from an earnest upstart to a lean, mean multimodal advocacy machine!

Visit our website for many options to donate and support our work, including online, Venmo, or by check. All donors will receive a pair of El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk logo stickers!

In addition to changing our name and focus to include our neighbors to the west in Richmond Annex, we developed organizational guidelines, wrote a work plan, appointed a coordinating committee, and updated our mission statement:

“El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll promotes walking, bicycling, transit, and other low-carbon multimodal transportation alternatives, building community for safer, more joyful, and inclusive streets for all.”

We now have nearly 400 people on our email list, and we send out e-newsletters monthly. Our coordinating committee meets every other month over Zoom and we host happy hours every other month to build community. As local advocates for road safety improvements, we meet regularly with El Cerrito’s sustainable transportation program manager and liaise between the community and the city’s public works and planning department, as well as Bike East Bay, regional transportation agencies, and our fiscal sponsor, El Cerrito Community Foundation.

Recently, members of our coordinating committee were appointed to the Contra Costa County Transportation Authority’s Countywide Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. At the city level, we have advocated for improved bike parking at El Cerrito Plaza; including bike lanes in the Richmond Street Complete Streets Improvement Project; and slowing down traffic on neighborhood streets. We facilitated a Safe Routes to School working group, which garnered 200 students and parents in Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day at Harding Elementary School this year.

Your support will help us expand our efforts to make El Cerrito and Richmond Annex safer, more joyful, and inclusive places to get around, and we will be starting a bike parking program for local businesses — similar to Albany’s!



El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll Coordinating Committee

Janet Byron
Franz Kieviet
Henry Pinkard
Steve Price
Carrie Schulman
Gaia Sonatina
Stuart Sonatina

ECRA Walk & Roll-ers marched to support mobility equity for all in El Cerrito’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Day parade.


“I love the #7 bus! Give it a try!"


Meet the ECRA Walk & Roll coordinating committee