Comment on El Cerrito Plaza BART development plans

BART and the city of El Cerrito are planning a mixed-use development around the EC Plaza BART station. They have asked the community for slide-by-slide feedback on their plans. Learn more about the plans and submit comments by September 6.

You can view the development plans here. BART and the city of El Cerrito have asked the community for slide-by-slide feedback on their plans using this form.

This is our chance to ensure that this development benefits the entire community! Below are some suggested comments that you can use, but we encourage you to add your own comments as well.

The next review meeting is scheduled for September 7, so please submit these comments and/or your own comments by this weekend! If your are unable to access the Google form, you can also e-mail your comments to:

B1 - Welcome
- Provide bike parking around the perimeter of the project, and around the development on the Northeast parking lot, not just at the bike station.
- Make sure bike parking is in visible locations where thievery can be observed and reported.
- Provide bike parking that can accommodate a variety of bike sizes at locations all around the project.
- Dedicate 1 to 2 on-street parking spaces per street for bike, scooter, and moped parking.
- Consider segmented on-street parking that charges for parking depending on how large the parked vehicle is.  

B2 - Open Space
- The ground floor along Fairmount Ave should have space for multiple dining establishments and should not be designated for private use.
- Farmer's market and Off The Grid will be difficult on Fairmount Ave with 72 Bus route.
- Make sure that there is plentiful ground-floor transparency for buildings facing the new green and Fairmount Ave.
- Plant new trees using Silva Cells to avoid roots heaving concrete and creating impassable sidewalks for people in wheelchairs.

B3 - Access
- All of the commercial sites (library, cafe, plaza entrance) are along Fairmount Ave., so there needs to be protected bike lanes on Fairmount. Space can be made by changing the angled parking to be parallel. If parking must be kept angled, then implement back-in diagonal parking to improve bicycling safety.
- Ohlone Greenway should have lane markings and signage near BART to warn cyclists to slow down. The bay area standard for lane markings is a 2-way bike path with a pedestrian path on the side.
- Implement traffic calming measures on Fairmount Ave. to slow cars passing the BART station and the Ohlone Greenway. Fifteen miles per hour should be the target. Retaining existing tree canopy, including median trees, will slow travel making street safer.
- At Fairmount and Richmond, the Ohlone Greenway curves too far to the east. It should seamlessly connect with the path across Fairmount Ave., with separate crossing lanes for pedestrians and bikes.

B4 - San Pablo Avenue and Library
- Library should be moved to the corner of Liberty and Fairmount to enable easier access for quick drop-offs.  
- Provide a loading zone in front of the library.
- All street parking within 2 blocks should be prioritized for library and dining establishments by having a 2-hour time limit.
- "Play elements" should be located close to the library and dining establishments.

B5 - Building Design
- In the new parking structures, provide some parking that accommodates small vehicles, such as Vespa-style scooters and neighborhood electric vehicles. Make floors level, not sloping.
- Provide eyes on bus stops from building windows so people waiting for buses after dark feel safe.
- Provide safe and comfortable access to the Ohlone Greenway for residents of the northeast development.
- Provide compost receptacles in all public areas.

San Pablo Avenue continues as a focus of local desires and planning efforts
