El Cerrito/Richmond Annex

Walk & Roll

Travel, shop, and live locally

Join El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll (ECRA Walk & Roll) in advocating for mobility choice — streets that safely welcome sustainable, equitable, and alternatives to the automobile for both necessary and fun local travel in El Cerrito and adjacent neighborhoods.

EC/RA Walk & Roll believes that the future of personal transportation for the Bay Area can't just be two- or three-ton cars, even if they are electric. Forty-two percent of travel trips in America are for two miles or less. In El Cerrito, where geographically nothing is very far from anything else, it shouldn't be necessary to drive a freeway-grade car to get to BART, get a haircut, or pick up a prescription. We live in a town with significant topographic challenges, yet electrified micromobility is rapidly addressing this challenge. Let's prepare for a green and prosperous future without requiring the financial burden of car ownership.

Sign up for our newsletter and discussion group below.

Write to us at info@ecrawal

Upcoming meetings

Business Meetings: Third Wednesdays, 7–8 p.m. on Zoom

  • December 18, Location: Zoom, Agenda: TBD

Super-fun Holiday Party!

  • Sun., Dec. 15, 5–7 p.m., on Yosemite Avenue between Lassen and Creekside Park, west side of the street (look for a sign and people partying!). Party is outdoors, so wear warm clothes as needed and bring something (drinks, snacks, or treats) to share! Family-friendly party – walkers of all ages welcome! Write to info@ecrawalkroll.org for more info.

Take action!

RICHMOND STREET COMPLETE STREETS WORKSHOPS: Two community workshops have been scheduled for the Richmond Complete Streets Improvement Project: Nov. 21, 6–7:30 pm, in City Council Chambers, 10890 San Pablo Ave.

California E-Bike Incentives
For the status of the California e-bike incentive program click here.

Join our Google discussion group to participate in conversations about pedestrian and bike issues in El Cerrito. Write to info@ecrawalkroll.org to be added to the group.